Wine Capital Art Walk

CALL FOR ARTISTS: Wine Capital Art Walk (Thursday, May 11, 2017)

This spring, there is an exciting opportunity for artists connected with the Oliver Community Arts Council. The OCAC is collaborating with other Oliver organizations to host an art walk on the evening of Thursday May 11 from 6 – 8 p.m. Participating artists (in all media) will be paired with main street businesses to display their best work. Currently, the committee is considering only the first block of Main Street north of the Fairview Road intersection.

This Call for Artists is open to all visual media:

* photography

* digital media such as computer graphics and film

* three-dimensional, such as pottery, sculpture, mixed media installations, metalwork,   woodwork, jewelry and other artisan crafts

* fibre and fabric arts, such as quilting, weaving, spinning, clothing/fashion

* painting, including acrylics, oils, watercolours

* mixed / other two dimensional media, such as charcoal, ink, encaustic, and collage

All artwork must be display ready. Sale pieces are welcome. Artists must be present during the event and take responsibility for their own sales.

Space may also be available for performing arts:

* street theatre and improv

* dance

* live music (choir, band, instrumental soloists)

* other entertainers

NOTE: This component will be limited by available space and noise level.

There is no entry fee and no commission. However, preference will be given to artists who are members of the Oliver Community Arts Council. Membership forms are available at OCAC Membership  or olivercac @

Only artists who have been confirmed as an entrant may display or demonstrate their art at the event. The committee reserves the right to choose the business venue for each participating artist. In cases where more than one artist will display in one business, the committee also reserves the right to pair artists.

Interested artists should contact Tara Hovanes  hovanes @  250-498-6132

Background Information

Last year’s Art Walk (April 28, 2016) opened quietly, testing the waters for a larger event. The evening was so successful, several new components will be added this year. We hope the event will continue to grow over the years. Here are some proposals for 2017:

* including Medici’s Gelateria and Coffeehouse as both a gallery space and as the concluding gathering space for refreshments and art draws (see below)

* food service by local restaurants in finger-food, street vendor style

* sidewalk art by local children through the Town Hall Rose Garden

* live art demonstrations at select locations, such as hand-built pottery, spinning, portraiture

* a “passport” map as a guide, stamped for access to activities, and / or used as a draw ticket

* live music

* gift basket and / or mini art draws

* Robert Woods art draw (in support of the Agnes Sutherland Memorial Piano)

There may be opportunities for arts-related businesses that are not located on the first block of Main Street to participate in street vendor style.

This event date has been moved to pair with the Okanagan Spring Wine Festival (May 4 – 14).  There will be wine tastings available during the art walk. Stay tuned for other exciting wine-related news.

The Wine Capital Art Walk also plans to include the Wine Barrel Painting event under its banner this year. The event will host a week of barrel painting at a downtown location, as a demonstration open to the public, and culminating on the May 11 art walk. Silent auction bids will be accepted all week long and the finished barrels will be sold off on that Thursday evening. A Call for Artists for the barrel painting event will be arranged separately.

Cleaning the Nest – Inside and Out

Spring Cleanup
Friday June 8
Saturday June 9
8 – 12 noon
Quail’s Nest Arts Centre
5840 Airport Road


Bring your favourite cleaning and gardening tools and wear your favourite cleaning / gardening clothes. Most creative outfit each day wins a prize!

Your choice of jobs awaits you: weeding, pruning, mowing, garbage collecting and  dump running and other outside jobs are the highest priority, but indoor window washing, and mopping are also available. Rags, sponges, mop, buckets, cleaning products, garbage bags, and hoses provided.  Coffee time treats also provided.

Anyone with a truck or trailer willing to take items to the dump, please drop by in the late morning each day.

Thanks to SOAP Players for pressure washing and cleaning Big Blue on the Sunday!