Master craftsmen crowdpleasers

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Any musicians who can start a performance with two pieces by Gershwin and follow it with a Bach cello solo adapted to clarinet and STILL captures the audience are definitely masters of their craft.

Kornel Wolak is a classically trained clarinetist. Born in Poland and trained in Europe, the U.S.A. and Canada, Wolak is a versatile and established performer with an excellent sense of humour. He stunned the audience with his mastery of circular breathing (continuing to blow into his instrument while drawing the next breath) and wicked fast playing. Equally comfortable playing with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra or on the stage at Oliver’s Venables Theatre, the Southern Okanagan Concert Society was lucky to grab him for the final concert of the 2015/16 concert series.

Chris Donnelly contributes a sense of fun and amazing jazz talent to the duo. Donnelly is a composer, fantastic jazz pianist, and a closet spoon player. Nominated for a Juno in 2008, and for ‘Best Recording of the Year’ and ‘Best Keyboardist of the Year’ in the 2009 National Jazz Awards, Donnelly is the first jazz performer I have witnessed take on an Oscar Peterson piece and do it justice. Together, Wolak and Donnelly are a beautiful combination of old world and new, control and mayhem, talent and ability.

Wolak and Donnelly took on a varied programme, featuring works from jazz greats George Gershwin and Oscar Peterson, and classical masters W.A. Mozart and Gioacchino Rossini. Not satisfied with the solo pieces available for clarinet, Wolak even adapted two string pieces by J.S. Bach to clarinet, and performed them seamlessly. In a combination that defies tradition, Donnelly accompanied Wolak for the second Bach piece on the spoons, and his talent playing the spoons nearly matched his ability on the keyboard.

duo1In the second half, Wolak and Donnelly opened the floor to questions, shared their experience and craft with humour and enthusiasm. Their stories, jokes, and personal touch left a lasting impression on the crowd of music lovers who attended the concert. Everyone who attended will smile as they recall the story behind Donnelly’s comic piece ‘Henry’s Song and Dance’; a musical interpretation of the first time Donnelly was stiffed for a gig, and probably the only time the venue had sold the piano the night before his performance.

In grand jazz fashion, Wolak and Donnelly closed the evening by opening the selection of the encore to requests from the audience. After a short negotiation with those who provided song ideas and fumbling the beginning of a piece Wolak obviously did not know, they promptly dove into their own tune (Flight of the Bumble Bee), leaving the audience amazed, entertained and looking forward to the first concert in the autumn.

This is the time to take advantage of Early Bird prices for next season. The first concert on November 11th is Quartango, classically trained musicians with a passion for tango explored on piano, violin, double bass and bandoneon. They have charmed audiences around the world and will come with two amazing tango dancers to create an evening you won’t forget. SOCS is switching over to a new ticketing system recently introduced by Venables Theatre. You can buy on line or if you need help just contact Janet Marcotte at 495 6487 in Osoyoos or Bob Park at 498 8889 in Oliver. Early bird prices are in effect until the end of April.

Roses I Send To You

Musaic Vocal Ensemble presents

Roses I Send To You
Musical Director: Tracy Stuchberry
Dennis Nordlund: Piano
Mia Harris: Mezzo Soprano

Musaic Vocal Ensemble of Summerland B.C celebrates twenty-one years of bringing the joy of choral music to the South/Central Okanagan Valley of British Columbia!

As the group has grown and changed over time, they have been fortunate to attract Okanagan singers from Oliver to Kelowna, who without fail, bring great energy and voice. Under the Musical direction of Tracy Stuchbery, this spring programme offers a delightful repertoire, that both challenges the choir and pleases the audience.

PENTICTON:  7:30, Saturday, April 23rd
St. Saviour’s Anglican Church

SUMMERLAND:  2:30, Sunday, April 24th
St. John’s Lutheran Church

OLIVER:  7:30, Thursday, April 28th
Frank Venables Auditorium

Tickets also available online this concert ONLY at

KELOWNA:  7:30, Saturday, April 30th
St. Michael’s Cathedral

TICKETS: $15.00 adults   $5.00 Students

Tickets available from:

Choir Members (Brian Mapplebeck, Oliver)
Dragon’s Den – Penticton
James on Kelly – Summerland
Beyond Bliss – Oliver
Imperial Office Productivity – Osoyoos
Kelowna – St. Michael’s Church Office

If you have any questions concerning tickets please contact: Mike Stuchbery mjstuchbery @


Local “Grandmothers” attend conference

Marion Boyd, member of the local Grandmothers for Africa chapter, attended the Reflection & Renewal Conference in Vancouver on March 11th and 12th.  As she puts it, “It was an amazing conference that renews my faith in humanity!”

Reflection & Renewal:  10 years Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, Stephen Lewis Foundation

by Marion Boyd

GFA Conference Shirley PolkThe sound flowed over us, back and forth, resonating as 300 woman sang in the call and response style of Africa:  “We will not rest.   We will turn the tide.”   The women from Canada and from Africa were gathered in Vancouver March 11 & 12th to celebrate ten years of solidarity not charity, ten years of hard and determined grassroots work, ten years where dignity,  mutuality and women’s spirit triumphed in fifteen countries where whole communities were torn apart and as many as 1 in 3 citizens had AIDS.   What do you do when 36 million people have AIDS?  What do you do with 17 million orphans?  As one African grandmother put it, “Sitting and crying is not a solution.”   A Canadian grandmother added,  “It wasn’t enough to just write a cheque.   We had to connect.” Another added, “If you think its time to retire, its time to work!”

So the Grandmother to Grandmother idea was born.  It was a collaborative system not a heirarchy.  It was inclusive and respectful.  It emerged as a mass movement, a global movement with the face of a grandmother.   It broke the isolation, stilled the fear and created a sense of community that sustained.   Gradually, very gradually, African grandmothers began to regain hope, a sense of survival.   They got up every morning to face fear, loss, illness but working together with Canadian grandmothers they gradually found their voice, realized they were worthy and could speak up and claim basic human rights.

GFA Conference Marion BoydIt has taken ten years but they are demanding their governments help with health care, pensions, education. They are asking us in the developed world to be aware that our ‘free’ trade (TPP) agreement serves the pharmaceutical companies while depriving the poor of less expensive generic drugs to fight AIDS.  They are fighting for land titles.  They are slowly resurrecting their communities.   Not every need is sated but they have a sense of dignity and hope and they are feeling better.   Together we sing and we laugh and we move forward.

GFA Conference Ilana Landsberg-LewisSo what next?    Ilana Landsberg-Lewis (pictured),  Executive Director of the Stephen Lewis Foundation and a passionate human rights lawyer, wants to be able to fund the 100 to 200 new proposals the Foundation gets each month.  Already they have funded over 1,400 initiatives and partnered with over 300 community based organizations in 15 countries.   We want to double the number of grandmother groups in Canada that raise money for the Foundation.  We want the grandmother to grandmother campaign to go global and find voice in international discussions at centers of power.

There is so much that has been done.   There is so much that still needs to be done.

One of the inspirational African grandmothers who spoke concluded with these words: “Please don’t stop.  We need resources.  We need you. Please don’t rest.  I’m begging you guys!”     And here in Oliver, we won’t stop.   If you’d care to join us we meet in the Oliver United Church the first Thursday of each month at 1 pm.


Local President Shirley Polk with Mariam Mulindwa of Phoebe Education Fund for AIDS Orphans, Uganda

Marion Boyd, Oliver Grandmothers for Africa group, with Mariam Mulindwa of Uganda, Ida Nambeya of Zambia and Siphwe Holphe of Swaziland

Ilana Landsberg-Lewis, is a labour and human rights lawyer and named one of the 25 top women of influence in Canada in 2012.   She is the Executive Director of the Stephen Lewis Foundation and a passionate advocate for human rights.
GFA Conference Stephen Lewis

Stephen Lewis, diplomat, politician, former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations and UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS to Africa and the Chair of the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

Online ticket seller at Venables

Venables Theatre longMarch 15, 2016

The Oliver Community Theatre Society has teamed up with Canadian company TixHub to offer the convenience of a new on-line Community Box Office for events at the Frank Venables Theatre.

Launching this week, the new Community Box Office is accessible 24/7 through the Venables Theatre website at When purchased online, tickets can be printed at home or picked up at the box office in the theatre one hour before curtain time. On line, the new ticket service accepts Visa, MasterCard and Debit and the theatre box office, which is open before each show, also takes personalized cheques and good old fashioned cash.

There is a charge on each ticket to cover the new service, however all advertised ticket prices will include these surcharges and credit card fees – so there’s no surprises at the checkout.

The new ticket service will not be exclusive either and tickets to events at the theatre can still be purchased in retail outlets in Oliver and Osoyoos. Patrons are encouraged to check the listings on the Frank Venables Theatre website’s Coming Soon page to find all the outlets – on-line and off-site – where theatre tickets are available.

In future, the Community Box Office will be the source for online tickets to many events in the South Okanagan. Groups interested in selling their events online through our new ticket service should contact the Theatre Manager.

For further information contact Theatre Manager, Bettyanne Hampton at 250-498-1626 or manager @

The best is yet to come

by Marion BoydQuartango (1)

Many of you will be arriving at Venables Theatre this Friday, March 18th, for a rare and exciting performance of blended classical and jazz music on piano and clarinet.  Think everything from Gershwin and Oscar Peterson to Bach and Mozart.  The Wolak/Donnelly Duo will be the final concert of this year’s South Okanagan Concert Society series.

It is also your opportunity to get a pass for next season at Early Bird prices of only $65 for 4 concerts.   Contracts have just been signed and the line up is truly magnificent.

November 11th classically trained musicians come together to explore their passion for tango on piano, violin, double bass and bandoneon.   Accompanied by two tango dancers, Quartango, (pictured above) has charmed audiences around the world.

51407835de80eDecember 2nd, Russian concert pianist Sergei Saratovsky has also won acclaim on the world stage.   He became a resident of Canada in 2002 and completed his doctoral studies here.  Born into a family of musicians, his awards would fill pages including a recent Best Canadian Artist award at the Montreal International Musical Competition!   Our new grand piano will get a work out with Saratovsky!



IMG_9657hJanuary 27th, 2017, the Remi Bolduc Jazz Ensemble will perform a tribute to Dave Brubeck.  Bolduc is one of Canada’s best jazz saxophonist.  Breathtaking precision, magnetic stage presence and dazzling virtuosity, energy and spontaneity are his trademarks.  He will tour with guest pianist Francois Bourassa.




DuoConcertante croppedFebruary 24, 2017, Duo Concertante features Nancy Dahn on violin and Timothy Steeves on piano.   Reviews refer to their “artistry, poetry and impeccable technique” and the excitement of “grace and fire… fury and repose”.   From Newfoundland, they are doing a cross Canada tour to follow a tour in Europe.

Now is the time to secure your tickets for our next season.   Staff at Venables Theatre are working on a system to provide seat choice.   Get in early and get what you want!

Hutterli’s Swiss adventures

Kurt Hutterli, one of the RipOff Artists, travelled to his native country of Switzerland last year, where he had a couple of happy surprises. Here’s what Kurt has to say:

“Here are some pictures from my reading at the Hotel Belle Epoque in Berne, Switzerland where I presented my new book project “Meine mitgebrachte Kindheit”. (It’s about my childhood memories I brought with me to Canada.) At the hotel I also “met” two Ripoff victims.

“First: Jane Avril in the company of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.”

Pictured below is Kurt at the Hotel Belle Epoque entrance, with Jane Avril kicking up her heels beside him. Reading, Hotel Belle Epoque, 2

Kurt continues with his second RipOff encounter:

“Marianne and I were invited to spend the night in the Klimt suite, surrounded by six original drawings by Klimt!” 

Below are a few more photos from Kurt’s reading at the hotel and a view of the exterior. Reading, Hotel Belle Epoque, 3

Reading, Hotel Belle Epoque, 4Reading in Berne, Switzerland, 1