Arts Council welcomes two new groups under Umbrella

The Oliver Handbell Ringers and the Oliver Community Garden Society are two new groups under the umbrella of the Oliver Community Arts Council.

The Oliver Handbell Ringers, under the direction of Sue Gay have been performing for the last few years. Their concerts have been gaining in excitement as the ensemble has been gaining in skill. The ensemble attains  a clear warm sound, with music that can both stimulate and relax. Proceeds from their concerts and donations from the community have gone towards purchasing  tuned sets of bells and sheet music.

The ensemble  is always looking to train new members.  It’s an exciting and non-threatening way to learn music, and gives you a gentle workout in the process. What more could you ask for?

The Oliver Community Garden Society has also recently joined.  See the article below (“Arts Council growing relationship”) for more information about this community-spirited  organization or check out their website (click on the link at right under “Member Organizations”). 

The “umbrella” of the arts council is a unique opportunity for groups and businesses to:

* have a forum for co-operating and networking within the local arts community,
* take advantage of advertising and promotional opportunities (like this one!),
* apply for financial aid, and
* to have a greater voice municipally and provincially to increase awareness of and access funding for arts groups.

And what about you? There’s lots of room under the umbrella! Contact olivercac@gmail for more information about becoming a member or fill out the membership form by clicking the link under the banner above.

Become a Member – Join the Quail Flock!

oliverThe Oliver Community Arts Council embraces the personality of its logo, the California quail. The bird is a common and endearing sight in Oliver. A quail’s nest can shelter as many as 18 eggs. A flock of quail is an active, noisy bunch that looks out for each other, occasionally scurrying off in their own directions, but always coming back to the flock.  Just like the quail, the arts council believes there is strength in numbers!

Through your membership you can help the Oliver Community Arts Council achieve its constitutional goals of increasing the public’s understanding and appreciation of the arts through a broad range of artisitic activities, performances, and educational opportunities.

Membership entitles you to:

* a forum for co-operation and networking within the arts community,
* a platform for promoting and advocating for the arts in the wider community,
* a subscription to the Creative Minds newsletter,
* invitations to special events, and
* a variety of free advertising and promotional opportunities

Membership also entitles you to 10% discounts at the following Oliver and area businesses:

* Handworks Gallery
* Paw Prints Studio and Gallery
* Loralee’s Treasure Cellar
* Food Safe Courses (offered by member Jan Kreut)

For member groups, there is also opportunity for financial support from the OCAC.

And of course, members catch hold of that creative spirit that makes us all feel great about the arts!

Individual Members: $15
Family Members: $20
Member Group: $30
Business Members: $40

Members in good standing are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting (Monday, October 26, 2009). Memberships for the following year are promoted by the Membership Committee during the membership drive beginning June 1. For application forms at any other time, contact us at or phone the Quail’s Nest Arts Centre at 250-485-0088.