CANCELLED: Entering Fall Art Show is … Elementary!

The Oliver Community Arts Council announces its Fall Art Show and Sale (FASS) on Saturday September 21 and Sunday September 22, 2024. The theme is ELEMENTS. The event runs concurrently with the Wine Capital Weekend dates on the third weekend of September, new as of last year. Our two-day event includes a competition in nine categories, public voting, exhibits and demos by featured artists, live entertainment, reception, and draws for wine-themed prizes. Please spread the word to artists you know! 

Visual artists in all media and of all ages are encouraged to enter.  

Categories include Photography, Fibre Arts, Oils, Acrylics, Watercolours, Three-Dimensional, and Mixed/Other Media. Youth categories (Emerging Artists and Budding Artists) accept any visual medium. 

Awards are given in each category, as well as an overall “Best in Show”.

THEME: Elements Every other year we select a theme to inspire you! You may choose to follow the theme, but it is not required. The public votes for winners in each category regardless of theme. Only the overall Best in Show is awarded to “Best Interpretation of the Theme”. Need some inspiration? Contact for many suggestions on how to incorporate the theme in your medium, your technique, your subject matter or even in expressing your artistic personality. There are so many possibilities! You may already have ready-made art that fits the theme. But if not, submit anyway! 

Entry forms must be received by Sunday September 1, 2024. Early bird draw! Submit your form and fee before that date for a chance to win back your entry fee OR enter a second piece for free.

Youth category entries receive an extension of one week: Sunday September 8, 2023  to because back-to-school schedules can be a challenge! Contact us if you need assistance. 

Artwork need not be completed by the entry form submission date. Completed artwork is delivered to the venue on the morning of the show, Saturday September 21. This gives artists up to three extra weeks to complete their piece(s).

We have NEW and IMPROVED forms for the FASS! Go to our Entry Form page HERE and scroll down to “Fall Art Show and Sale” for the Entry Form, the Terms and Guidelines with Category definitions, plus an Artist FAQ and other helpful material.

Membership in the Oliver Community Arts Council is not required but does reduce the entry fee for Adult submissions. The Emerging Artist (teen) submission is $10. For Budding Artists (12 and under) the fee is waived but numbers may be limited. NEW memberships received as part of your FASS entry will be activated at time of submission AND will also be good through all of 2025. Just a little incentive for newcomers. If you are uncertain of your current membership status, please contact us.   

Hard copies of the entry forms will be available at the Quail’s Nest Arts Centre, and at the Oliver Visitors Information Centre (historic CPR Station). 

Entry forms may be returned by: 1.  MAIL, with your entry fee (and membership if applicable). 2.  IN PERSON by dropping off paperwork in a sealed envelope with CHEQUE(s) at the Oliver Visitor Centre. 3.  SCAN & EMAIL with E-TRANSFER to . E-Transfers must include the memo “FASS Entry Fee” (and “Membership 2024” if applicable). Please send BOTH on the SAME day.   

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