Two Member Groups Receive Arts Council Funding

The South Okanagan Concert Society and the Desert Sage Spinners and Weavers recently were awarded $500 each in contracted service agreements between their organizations and the Oliver Community Arts Council. As a registered charity, the OCAC sponsors member group activities that reflect the constitutional purposes of the arts council. These must be public arts events including instructional seminars and workshops, visual arts events, and performance arts festivals.

romanzacoverThe concert society requested financial aid for their 2009-10 concert season. In order to make musical performances as accessible as possible to as many as possible, the society keeps prices low ($55 for a four concert flex pass), admits youth 17 and under free,  and helps facilitate master classes for local music students.

This season, the society is hosting some fabulous performers:  Duo Affinite (pictured at left), Calvin Dyck and the Golden Violin, Ezeadi Onukwulu and One Human Race, and the Vancouver Chamber Choir.

Flex passes are on sale for $55 at Miss Molly’s Quilt Shop, 97th (Main) Street Oliver. For more information on the concert series, use the search engine tool to locate articles on “South Okanagan Concert Society”.


diane-and-yarn-creations The Desert Sage Spinners and Weavers applied for funding to support their two-day “Colour and Silk” workshop, with guest instructor Barbara Robinson from Rossland, on September 26-27. The workshop entails mixing dyes, dyeing the silk fibres, and spinning them into wonderful creations. A member of the club poses at left with a display of dyed, spun and knitted items during the 2009 Oliver Country Market A-Fair. More information about the Desert Sage Spinners and Weavers can be found using the search tool, or looking under “member groups” on this website.

 Congratulations to these two member groups!

The nest deadline for contracted service agrrement applications is June 1, 2010. The artistic events applied for must occur between September 1, 2010 and August 31, 2011. To receive your application, or to become a member group, contact the Oliver Community Arts Council at or by writing to the OCAC, P.O. Box 1711, Oliver, BC Canada, V0H 1T0.