No Rain on our Parade!

The Oliver Community Arts Council is looking for people who love to walk! We are entering the International Sunshine Festival Parade on Saturday July 14 and require several volunteers to be part of an eye-catching  procession.

To publicize the broad range of our membership and give our members an advertising opportunity, we are asking for volunteers willing to carry a poster naming each group and business that operates under the OCAC umbrella.

And of course we need someone to hold … the umbrella!

Yes, this procession will have a multicoloured umbrella bearing our name, with colourful streamers connecting each strip of colour to a matching placard. That could mean up to 25 or so volunteers in the procession.

Ideally, each member holding a placard would be a representative from that group or business named on the sign. So does your group or business have someone who likes to walk? AND have fun in a parade? Let us know at OliverCAC @

Thanks to Arvie Bourgeault, BettyLou Trimmer Bahnsen, and Heather Fink for their creative efforts on this committee!

Celebrate Volunteer Week … then take a Workshop

The Oliver Community Arts Council recently became a member of the SOS Volunteer Centre as is already starting to reap some benefits. Information about volunteering with the OCAC (or any of its fourteen member groups) has been added to their new volunteer directory.  Members and member groups are now invited to two new Volunteer Centre events:

The Friends of the Oliver Library and SOS Volunteer Centre present
A Celebration of Volunteer Week
Tuesday April 12
10 a.m.- 12 noon
Oliver Regional Library

Celebrate Volunteer Week and the publication of the 2011 Volunteer Opportunities directory. Check out the arts council page!  The Volunteer Centre will be handing out information and the new 2011 directory, and signing up volunteers to their database. Coffee and goodies will be available.

Volunteer Expectations and Volunteer Self-Care
Thursday May 12
10 a.m. – 12 noon
Oliver Community Centre
FREE – Limited Seating (10 – 15)

Recommended for non-profit Board members and volunteers. Learn about setting clear and reasonable expectations for your volunteers, the rights and responsibilities of volunteers, and how volunteers can enjoy their experience while avoiding burnout.  The volunteer self-care portion is presented by Donna Davis, a registered professional counsellor living in OK Falls. She’ll discuss the stress side of volunteering: “When life stressors and helping starts to hurt.”

For more information, to volunteer, or to join the Centre as a non-profit society looking for volunteers, contact

Corinne Janow, Community Liaison
South Okanagan Similkameen Volunteer Centre (SOSVC)
“Creating a community network to coordinate volunteer efforts.”

Arts Council joins Volunteer Centre

 At their March Board of Directors meeting, the Oliver Community Arts Council (OCAC) voted unanimously to take advantage of a membership in the South Okanagan Similkameen Volunteer Centre. 

The South Okanagan Similkameen Volunteer Centre is a registered non-profit Society designed to build community through the advocacy and promotion of volunteerism. Community Liaison Corinne Janow of Oliver (pictured below) has been working closely with the council, making a presentation at the arts council’s recent AGM and answering questions about the services available.

Arts council president Penelope Johnson attended a Board Training workshop presented by the Volunteer Centre, and came away impressed with the personnel and resources available for training boards and for finding willing volunteers.  “The whole arts council improves as more Board members receive training in what makes a board effective, what makes an organization operate professionally. The Volunteer Centre also relieves us of a big burden by helping us recruit and maintain volunteers. Finally, for this initial year of membership at least, all fourteen of our arts groups receive the same benefits of training leadership and access to volunteers.”

OCAC Vice President Darryl MacKenzie made the decision easy for the Board of Directors when he explained, “The $135 annual fee pays for itself if just one new volunteer is found to work 10 – 15 hours.”  That does not even include access to free, low-cost or subsidized workshops and consulting services provided by the Volunteer Centre. MacKenzie, the curator of the Oliver Museum,  represents the Oliver and District Heritage Society on the arts council. This member group has already joined the Volunteer Centre as its own entity. MacKenzie described the decision to join as “a no-brainer”. The arts council Board agreed.

The Volunteer Centre supports non-profit organizations through a variety of services, including:

*advertising non profit volunteer positions to the public,
*providing training to boards of directors and managers of volunteers,
*helping to increase the overall pool of volunteers available,
*advocating on behalf of volunteer based organizations

The Centre will support volunteers by:

*providing a list of available volunteer opportunities
*helping them to understand their rights and responsibilities

Their Membership Programs and Services are:

* Webpage listing of volunteer opportunities
* Emailing opportunities to their volunteer database
* Newsletter Spotlight of organizations and opportunities
* Volunteer Fair (discounted registration fee)
* Listing in Volunteer Opportunities Directory
* Workshops
* Consulting Services (discounted fees for service)
* Resource library (request free custom information services)
* Use of Volunteer Centre Logo

Thanks to Corinne Janow, the SOS Volunteer Centre and its website for providing some of the informational content in this article. More information about the centre can be found at

We Appreciate You!

Please join us at the OCAC Volunteer Appreciation celebration at the Arts Jam! gathering immediately following the

Oliver Community Arts Council
Annual General Meeting
Monday February 22, 2010
9:30 a.m.
Quail’s Nest Arts Centre


Thank you for the many ways you dedicate your time and energy to the arts council: all the various committees, OCAC programme volunteers, plant operations, repairs and cleaning, administration, and donations. Join us for a special cake and lots of toasting!

Interested in playing a leadership role? Nominations for all Board positions are still being accepted. Email and a member of the Nominating committee will contact you immediately.