Call to Music Teachers

The Oliver Community Arts Council will be presenting its Showcase of Talent on Wednesday May 1 (TENTATIVE) at 7 p.m. at the Venables Theatre Atrium, 6100 Gala Street, Oliver. Deserving local music students will perform their best pieces before an audience, preferably one they have prepared for a recital, the Kiwanis Festival or a conservatory exam. This is not a competition; this is simply an evening of delightful performance. Students will also be issued with a modest cheque, usually between $50 – $100 to assist them with their music studies.

We are accepting student names to fill a short evening’s programme, roughly an hour long. A grand piano is available, as is a small sound system for announcements, solo voices or instruments. Students are expected to provide their own music stand.

Preference will be given to students living in the Oliver region and / or taking lessons from an Oliver area music teacher. The teacher must be accredited with a music teaching association, have a degree in music, and / or completed an approved conservatory of music program.

Teachers are requested to supply the names of students they believe are the most deserving. We suggest teachers choose based on two or more of the following criteria:

  • Most advanced
  • Most skilled
  • Most improved
  • Students performing at a Kiwanis Festival
  • Students demonstrating the most financial need

When submitting a student’s name, please include their physical address (town), their instrument, their grade level, and a brief explanation of the criteria met. If time permits, students may be able to play two pieces. Please list pieces the student will be able to play. In the case of overlap, this gives us the opportunity to select pieces unique to the student, and fill the programme.

Students will be expected to perform a competition level piece in front of a crowd, as well as introduce themselves, and give a short introduction to their piece. Backing tracks for vocalists may be accommodated. Students are expected to remain for the full concert in order to receive their bursary during the “curtain call” at the conclusion.

Please contact OliverCAC @ with any questions or with names of students. All responses will be forwarded to our Showcase of Talent co-ordinator, Sally Franks.