CD release for Wined It Up tonight

Celebrate with Wined It Up members Mikie Spillett, vocals/mandolin Ken Repkow, guitar/vocals Jim Ruhland, drums/vocals Edwin Dukes, Bass guitar/vocals as they release their new CD on Saturday July 5. Oliver’s own country-rock at its finest. ALL original music! $12 per person at the Firehall Brewery. Artist Janet West is also on site.  Back Alley Concerts

Good reads

Friends of the Oliver Library hosts the Summer Book Sale on Saturday July 5 from 9 am to 2 pm. Pick up your summer reading: bestsellers, gripping novels, kids books, mysteries, romances, non-fiction. Val Friesen sells

Val Friesen shares some great deals with a customer. Brita Park translates

Marianne Hutterli and Brita Park staff the sales desk. Hey! Brita! Stop reading the customers’ books! Cash desk at Book Sale

Happy customers leave with stacks of good reads.

Photo Credit: Penelope Johnson